Database of Translations
The database of translations is an electronic database of translations of literary works by Slovenian authors into foreign languages, which is constantly being updated.
All users are requested to help update the database by correcting potential errors. You can send corrections of existing translation entries by clicking Noticed an error? next to an entry. An electronic message will appear containing information about the work, where you can enter your corrections.
Do you want to suggest a new entry in the translation database? Click here.
Search results
Search string: Author: Simona SemeniÄAuthor | Translation title | Translation language | Translator |
Simona SemeniÄ | Bellas vidas, bellas llamas | ĆĄpanĆĄÄina | Ana Fras, Gemma Santiago Alonso, Teja PopoviÄ, Petja PodbreĆŸnik, NeĆŸa Smerdel, Tina Sbarbaro, Carlos FernĂĄndez Buedo, Ălvaro Berbel RodrĂguez, Natalia Algarra Palacios, Paula Muñoz MartĂnez, Nuria RodrĂguez DurĂĄn, Isabel Carrascosa Carrascosa, Manuel BenĂtez FernĂĄndez |