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26. marec 2020



Not quite bussiness as usual in this unusual times … but while keeping healthy and safe we still want you to stay connected and informed!

Not quite bussiness as usual in this unusual times … but while keeping healthy and safe we still want you to stay connected and informed!

Drago Jančar wins the Austrian State Prize for European Literature 2020

Drago Jančar, one of the leading Slovenian contemporary writers, has been awarded this year’s Austrian State Prize for European Literature, which is a life-time achievement award endowed with 25.000€.

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Fabjan Hafner Prize 2020 goes to Erwin Köstler

The bi-annual prize for best translation from Slovenian into German was awarded to Erwin Köstler, an acclaimed translator of Slovenian literature, for his translation of the great historic novel The Harvest of Chronos (Chronos erntet, Wallstein Verlag 2019), written by the award-winning Slovenian author Mojca Kumerdej. The English translation was published by London-based Istros Books.

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Support for foreign publishers – three public calls to be issued later this year

Three calls for foreign publishers were scheduled to open this spring, but due to a new national law on temporary measures during the COVID-19 epidemic, introduced on 27th March 2020, the calls are postponed to a later time this year.

The postponed calls are::

- Call for Proposals for the translation and publication of books by Slovenian authors in the German language for the year 2020;

- Call for proposals for translations into foreign languages for the year 2020,

- Call for support of printing costs – NEW!

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Discover “Slovenia’s Best for Young Readers 2020”!

A new promotional catalogue of contemporary Slovenian children’s and YA literature in English language, which introduces 44 Slovenian authors for all age groups is available here.

With afterwords by Slovenian experts Dr. Dragica Haramija and Dr. Igor Saksida the catalogue is a precious tool for foreign publishers interested in Slovenian books for children and young adults. Since we won’t be able to meet you in person at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair this year, we invite you to have a look and contact us or any of the publishers listed in the catalogue.

The catalogue was published by the Slovenian Writers Association and funded by the Slovenian Book Agency.

With all the spring book fairs cancelled – where to meet us?

In hope that the extraordinary pandemic circumstances will be over by summer, we announce the following invitations (with additional information to be followed):

June 3rd 2020, Berlin, Germany: A B2B get-together for German and Slovene publishers in the Literaturhaus Berlin. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!

In the first September week, we will organize our yearly fellowship for foreign publishers, agents and literary journalists in Slovenia. The guests will be able to experience the Vilenica International Literary Festival as well.

In the last November week, we will organize, as part of our EU project Every Story Matters, an international fellowship for publishers of children’s and YA literature in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The guests will also be able to get a glance of the national book fair.

The applications will be open soon … follow our newsletters!

Drago Jančar wins the Austrian State Prize for European Literature 2020

Drago Jančar, one of the leading Slovenian contemporary writers, has been awarded this year’s Austrian State Prize for European Literature, which is a life-time achievement award endowed with 25.000€.

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Fabjan Hafner Prize 2020 goes to Erwin Köstler

The bi-annual prize for best translation from Slovenian into German was awarded to Erwin Köstler, an acclaimed translator of Slovenian literature, for his translation of the great historic novel The Harvest of Chronos (Chronos erntet, Wallstein Verlag 2019), written by the award-winning Slovenian author Mojca Kumerdej. The English translation was published by London-based Istros Books.

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Support for foreign publishers – three public calls to be issued later this year

Three calls for foreign publishers were scheduled to open this spring, but due to a new national law on temporary measures during the COVID-19 epidemic, introduced on 27th March 2020, the calls are postponed to a later time this year.

The postponed calls are::

- Call for Proposals for the translation and publication of books by Slovenian authors in the German language for the year 2020;

- Call for proposals for translations into foreign languages for the year 2020,

- Call for support of printing costs – NEW!

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Discover “Slovenia’s Best for Young Readers 2020”!

A new promotional catalogue of contemporary Slovenian children’s and YA literature in English language, which introduces 44 Slovenian authors for all age groups is available here.

With afterwords by Slovenian experts Dr. Dragica Haramija and Dr. Igor Saksida the catalogue is a precious tool for foreign publishers interested in Slovenian books for children and young adults. Since we won’t be able to meet you in person at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair this year, we invite you to have a look and contact us or any of the publishers listed in the catalogue.

The catalogue was published by the Slovenian Writers Association and funded by the Slovenian Book Agency.

With all the spring book fairs cancelled – where to meet us?

In hope that the extraordinary pandemic circumstances will be over by summer, we announce the following invitations (with additional information to be followed):

June 3rd 2020, Berlin, Germany: A B2B get-together for German and Slovene publishers in the Literaturhaus Berlin. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!

In the first September week, we will organize our yearly fellowship for foreign publishers, agents and literary journalists in Slovenia. The guests will be able to experience the Vilenica International Literary Festival as well.

In the last November week, we will organize, as part of our EU project Every Story Matters, an international fellowship for publishers of children’s and YA literature in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The guests will also be able to get a glance of the national book fair.

The applications will be open soon … follow our newsletters!


Slovenian Book Agency, Metelkova ulica 2b, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: (01) 369 58 20
jakrs.si, gp.jakrs@jakrs.si

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