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23. februar 2021



Announcement of Three Public Calls for Foreign Publishers

Slovenian Book Agency announces three public calls for foreign publishers, which are going to open on Friday, 5 March 2021.

The calls in question are:

  • JR3-TRUBAR-2021: Call for applications for funding of cultural projects to co-finance the printing costs of translations of original Slovene works in foreign languages for the year 2021, open 5 March-23 April;
  • JR5-P-2021: Call for Proposals for the translations into foreign languages for the year 2021, open 5 March–9 April;
  • JR6-INJ-2021: Call for Proposals for the translation and publication of books by Slovenian authors in the German language for the year 2021, open 5 March–23 April.

The public calls documentation will be available on https://www.jakrs.si/en/international-cooperation/tenders-and-public-calls/tenders-and-calls.

Contact persons for the calls:

- JR3-TRUBAR-2021 and JR5-P-2021: Katja Stergar, katja.stergar@jakrs.si, tel: +386 1 369 58 27,

- JR6-INJ-2021: Anja Kovač, anja.kovac@jakrs.si, tel: +386 1 230 05 75.


Slovenian Book Agency, Metelkova ulica 2b, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: (01) 369 58 20
jakrs.si, gp.jakrs@jakrs.si

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