Application for preparing applications for current calls for tenders
Call for proposals for funding of cultural projects to co-finance the printing costs of translations of original Slovene works in foreign languages for the year 2021 (referred to as JR3–TRUBAR–2021)
več o razpisuThe public call for the selection of cultural projects in the field of translation into foreign languages for 2021 (JR5–P–2021)
več o razpisuCall for Proposals for the translation and publication of books by Slovenian authors in the German language for the year 2021 (referred to as JR6–INJ–2021)
več o razpisuThe public call for the selection of cultural projects in the field of translation into foreign languages for 2020 (JR5–P–2020)
več o razpisuPublic tender for translations into foreign languages and for translator's residency in Slovenia 2016 (JR11–PRŠP–2016)
veÄŤ o razpisuPublic tender for translations into foreign languages for 2015 (JR7-PP-2015)
veÄŤ o razpisuPublic tender for projects in the field of mobility and translations into foreign languages for 2012 (JR2-MP-2012)
veÄŤ o razpisuPublic tender for sample translations and translations into foreign languages for 2014(JR9-PVP-2014)
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