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Application for preparing applications for current calls for tenders


Publish date: 05.03.2021
Expiration date: 09.04.2021
Status: Closed

The Slovenian Book Agency, Metelkova 2b, 1000 Ljubljana, on the basis of the Book Agency Act of the Republic of Slovenia (UL RS, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 112/2007, 40/2012 and 63/2013), the Act for the Public Interest in Culture of the Republic of Slovenia (UL RS, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 77/07-UPB, 56/08, 4/10, 20/11, 111/13 and 68/16), the Rulebook on the procedural execution of public tenders and public calls in culture of the Republic of Slovenia (UL RS, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 107/15 ) and the Rulebook on expert commissions of the Slovenian Book Agency (UL RS, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 73/16) herewith publishes the

Call for proposals for the translations into foreign languages for the year 2021

(referred to as JR5–P–2021)[1]

Name and Adress of the Call orderer

Slovenian Book Agency/Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije (JAK), Metelkova 2b, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The main objectives of the Call

The objective of the Call is the selection of applicants for the co-financing of the translation of literature, originally written in Slovene language into foreign languages for the year 2021 based on the stipulations of this call for applications and the fulfilment of the criteria and conditions stated under points 7 and 8.

Priorities of the Call and its limitations regarding the number of selected co-financed applicants

The Slovenian Book Agency (JAK) will support the proposed projects of publications in accordance with the following long-term priorities and objectives:

  • support of the first translation of works, originaly written in Slovene language, into foreign languages;
  • long-term support for the translation and promotion of Slovene literature abroad, also in the perspective of the projects Slovenia – Guest of Honour at Bologna Children's Book Fair, and/or Slovenia – Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair and cultural projects, that are part of the Slovene presidency of the Council of the EU 2021;
  • support to promotion of Slovene authors and their works abroad;
  • support for translators from Slovene into foreign languages.

An individual applicant may submit a maximum of two (2) cultural projects within the framework of this call.

Budget and eligible costs

Eligible costs include exclusively costs of the original work of the translator.

Deadline for submissions and the submission process

The public call JR5-P-2021 opens on 5 March 2021 and closes on 9 April 2021.

Applicants should submit the completed application form within the deadline for submissions in electronic form (by filling out the form on the web application Google Forms) and send printed out version of the application form with all the mandatory attachments by registered post or in person every weekday between 10 a.m. and 12 a.m. to the address: Slovenian Book Agency, Metelkova 2b, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. An application is considered to have been submitted on time if JAK receives it in electronic and printed form before the deadline for submissions. If an application is sent by registered post, the date of posting is the date JAK will count as the date of receipt of the application. Registered post that does not state the time of posting is counted as having been sent on the date of posting at 23:59 hours.

For countries where sending the application by regular mail will not be possible due to the COVID-19 epidemic until the last day of the call (9 April 2021), applicants should submit the electronic form, scan the entire application documentation and send it as an attachment by email to Please state the name of the applicant and the wording JR5–P–2021 in the subject line.

When the applicant hands in the application, he or she agrees with all the conditions and criteria of the public call JR5–P–2021.

Payment of the application tariff with the application to the public call for proposals

In accordance with the provisions of the Tariff on the implementation of the services of the Public Book Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (UL RS - Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 04/13 and 50/14) the applicant must enclose with the application proof of payment of the 25 EUR tariff. If the certificate is not attached, the applicant will be asked to comply. If, after the expiry of the deadline for the compliance the Book Agency will still not receive the relevant certificate, the application will be rejected as incomplete.

The Tariff in the amount of 25,00 EUR is to be paid to the following bank account:

Bank: Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia

IBAN: SI56 0110 0600 0027 474


With the payment reference: SI 00 “date of payment” (f. e.: 08042021)

Payment purpose: tariff JR5-P-2021

Documentation of the public call

The documentation of the public call includes:

Contact person for all additional information

All information can be acquired at, and also via telephone or e-mail every working day between 10. in 12. with the following contact person:

- Katja Stergar, (: +386 1 369 58 27, +: katja.stergar(at)

Payment Claim JR5-P-2021

[1] The legally binding text of the public call is only the original Slovene text.


Payment Claim JR5-P-2021



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