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7th International Translation Seminar for Translators of Slovenian Literature, Maribor, 27 June – 2 July 2017

The participants were: Jelena Budimirović (Serbia), María Florencia Ferre (Argentina), Alina Irimia (Romania), Aleš Kozár (Czech Republic), Laima Masytė (Lithuania), Jun Mita (Japan), Zhanna Perkovskaya (Russia), Timothy Pogačar (USA), Patrizia Raveggi (Italy), Kristina Reardon (USA), Lucia Gaja Scuteri (Italy) and Kristina Tamulevičiūtė (Lithuania).

The objective of the seminar is to promote literary and print publications of quality translations of Slovenian literature abroad, to spread information, to encourage networking among translators and to facilitate close collaboration between Slovenian authors, publishers and international translators. Throughout the four-day workshop, the participants focused on selected poetry from the volume Zbrane pesmi (Selected Poems; Beletrina, 2007) by Gregor Strniša, the youth novel Kebarie (Miš založba, 2010) by Janja Vidmar, the collection of essays Državljanski eseji (Civic Essays; Beletrina, 2012) by Alojz Ihan and the novel Otroštvo (Childhood; Goga, 2015) by Miha Mazzini. They were mentored by esteemed translators and translatologists dr. Nada Grošelj and dr. Đurđa Strsoglavec.

The afternoon sessions were reserved for specialist lectures by dr. Igor Žunkovič (“The Poetics and Poetry of Gregor Strniša”), dr. Kozma Ahačič ("Language Resources for Translators of Slovenian-Language Texts") and dr. Aljoša Harlamov (“Modern Slovenian Novel”). The participants were also privy to meeting a number of Slovenian publishers, who acquainted them with individual original programmes form the areas of fiction, youth and children’s literature, the humanities and non-fiction.

The 7th International Translation Seminar for Translators of Slovenian Literature was also highlighted on the Culture Panorama programme, broadcast by Radio Ars. The feature by Simona Kopinšek is available here (in Slovenian). 

Photo: Domen Ulbl