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Announcement of Public call for the selection of cultural projects in the field of translation into foreign languages for 2022

Slovenian Book Agency announces that The public call for the selection of cultural projects in the field of translation into foreign languages for 2022 (JR5–P–2022) is going to open on Friday 22 July 2022.

The call will be opened until 31 August 2022.

The subject of the public call JR5-P-2022 is selection of contractors and subsidizing their cultural projects in the field of translation into foreign languages in 2022.

The Slovenian Book Agency (JAK) will support the proposed projects of publications in accordance with the following long-term priorities and objectives: support of the first translation of works, originaly written in Slovene language, into foreign languages; long-term support for the translation and promotion of Slovene literature abroad, also in the perspective of the cultural projects Slovenia – Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair, and/or Slovenia –Guest of Honour at Bologna Children's Book Fair; support to promotion of Slovene authors and their works abroad; support for translators from Slovene into foreign languages.

The goal and purpose of the public call is support for the first translation of works, originaly written in Slovene language into foreign languages. JAK will also co-finance translation of works, written in other languages, when author is a part of Slovenian cultural environment, into foreign languages.

Eligible texts include adult fiction, children’s and young adult fiction, essayistic and critical works from the field of culture and humanities that are to be published in a book form abroad or performed by a theatre company abroad. This call is going to subsidize translations, which are going to be published no later than 31 August 2024. Eligible applicants are legal persons (publishers, theaters), registered abroad who intend to ensure the publication or performance of the first translation of works, originaly written in Slovenian language.

Within the framework of this call, the same applicant may submit no more than two (2) applications.

The public call documentation will be available on the JAK website

Contact persons for the call:

- Katja Stergar, e-pošta: katja.stergar(at), tel.: 00386 (0) 1 369 58 27.