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Books on Slovenia – Call for participation to the international book exhibition on the Guest of Honour 2023

Publishers from around the world are invited to display their current titles on Slovenia as part of the international book exhibition ‘Books on Slovenia’ in the Guest of Honour Pavilion at the book fair. This special exhibition is being organised by Frankfurter Buchmesse.

Title selection:
We welcome all publications of Slovenian authors in translation, as well as books about arts & culture, language, politics, history and society on Slovenia. Your titles should have been published between 2020 and 2023 and should be in print. All you need to do is provide us with 2 copies of each of your titles for presentation in the exhibition.

All publishing companies, except publishers from Slovenia, are invited to contribute to the exhibition with their current titles. There is no charge for participation. Please note the individual import and customs regulations for non-EU countries.

Please register your titles by 30 September 2023.
Please send copies by 06 October 2023.