Matching Stories and Film at Pula International Film Festival
The meeting will be a part of the Festival's international program for professionals, Pula Matchmaking Forum, and will be organised in cooperation with the book fair "Sanjam knjige«. Regional leading publishers will suggest adaptation rights of contemporary regional literature (novels, essays, comics, children's literature, etc.) to producers, directors, distributors and TV houses.
Slovenian works presented by the Slovenian Book Agency will be:
Gašper Kralj: Rok trajanja ( Expiration Date, *cf. Publishing house, 2017)
Miha Mazzini: Zemljevidi tujih življenj (Maps of Foreign Lives, Goga publishing house, 2016)
Anja Mugerli: Spovin (Wine-Memory Game, Litera publishing house, 2017)
Mojca Širok: Pogodba (The Contract, Mladinska knjiga publishing house, 2018)
Brane Mozetič: Prva ljubezen (First Love, Škuc publishing house, 2014)
Nika Matanović: Razred (School Class, Pivec publishing house, 2018)
Matching Stories and Film follows the concept of Books at Berlinale, established in 2006, which was the first rights market at an A-Film Festival.