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New Slovenian Cinema Takes Over Berlin

Periskop is a Berlin-based society focused on broadening Germany's horizons on Slovenia's accomplishments in the field of art and culture. For the second time, the collective has put together a diverse assortment of last season's best productions by young Slovenian film makers. During a two-day film bender at the filmkunst66 cinema, audiences will be privy to choose between feature and short films of various genres.

The festival will commence with the screening of short film Srečno, Orlo! (Good Luck, Orlo!), a masterpiece by Sara Kern, the first ever female Slovenian director to participate at the Venice Film Festival (2016). The festival selector, producer Marina Gumzi, described the choice of films as an attempt of the expert team to raise the level of recognizability of young Slovenian film makers, who appear to be in "top shape".

Apart from Srečno, Orlo! (Good Luck, Orlo!), four additional short films are scheduled to be unveiled to the Berlin audience:  Dober tek, življenje! (Bon Appetit, Life!) by Urška Djukić, Male ribe (Little Fish) by Maja Križnik, Selitev (A New Home) by  Žiga Virc and the animated featurette Nočna ptica (Nighthawk) by Špela Čadež. The festival will also feature the following three feature films: Idila (Idyll) by Tomaž Gorkič, Družinski film (Family Film) by Olmo Omerzu and Houston, imamo problem! (Houston, We Have A Problem!) by Žiga Virc. All directors will attend the respective screenings and be available for subsequent Q&A sessions.

Berlin-based Slovenian writer Nataša Kramberger, the head of the festival and co-founder of Periskop, had the following to say about the selection: "We want to support the products and the authors thereof as they are good, artistically relevant and poignant both with regard to content and expression. We have identified the new Slovenian cinema as a pearl that has to be preserved and given an opportunity. We observe it as a whole, like a conglomerate of visions and the authors' voices." She also stressed that this year's festival generated a lot of interest among film connoisseurs.

The supporting art for the second edition of the Neues slowenisches Kino (New Slovenian Cinema) festival has been provided by Nenad Cizl. The festival is financially supported by the Government's Office for Slovenians Abroad, the newly established Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin and a number of private companies from Slovenia and Germany.

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