Photos from the Leipzig Book Fair 2019
Our partners: Traduki, Slovenian Cultural Centre Berlin, Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung, Wallstein Verlag, Schruf & Stipetic, AvivA Verlag, bahoe books, Mladinska knjiga publishing house, Beletrina publishing house, Goga publishing house, Forum Ljubljana and taz.
On the photos:
1 Authors Lila Prap and Anja Štefan with their bestselling titles Dragons (Prap) and Crumbs from the Mice Valley (Štefan) both published by Mladinska knjiga publishing house
2-3 Lila Prap at the Children's Corner
4-5 Anja Štefan at the Children's Corner
6 Mojca Kumerdej reading from her German translation of The Harvest of Chronos (Wallstein Verlag 2018, translated by Erwin Köstler)
7 Leipzig Book Fair
8-10 Ethnologist, Dr. Janez Bogataj talking about his book Slovenia – the Cultural Heritage (Hart Publishing house 2019, German translation by Alexandra Zaleznik)
11 Tanja Skale from Forum Ljubljana, a publishing house specialized for comic books, participating at a Traduki event about comic books from ex-Yugoslavia
12 A fairytale hour with Jana Bauer and her scary fairy
13 A talk titled »When Children's Books Travel« organized by the Slovenian Book Agency and Pro Helvetia from Switzerland
14-15 Mojca Kumerdej participating in a talk organized by Traduki
16-18 The Slovenian stand
19 A talk with Tadej Golob, the author of a YA novel The Golden Tooth (German translation by Ann Catrin Bolton published by Schruf & Stipetic 2018), and Jana Bauer, the author of The Scary Fairy (German translation by Ann Catrin Bolton published by S. Fischer Verlag 2019)
20-21 The Slovenian stand
22 A talk about the world traveler Alma M. Karlin and the new German edition of her travelogue from 1930s The Lonely Journey around the World (Einsame Weltreise, AvivA Verlag 2019)
23 Traduki’s Balkannacht with Ana Schnabl
24 Zoran Smiljanić and Marijan Pušavec presenting the German translation of the comic book The Mexicans, Band II, translated by Erwin Köstler and published by Bahoe Books
25 Zoran Smiljanić drawing for his fans