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Slovenian Book Agency’s Publishers Meeting in Berlin and Study Trip in Slovenia – a Photo Story

On September 7 the Slovenian Book Agency organized a meeting of Slovenian and German publishers in Berlin at the seat of the EU house together with the Slovenian Cultural Center in Berlin. After the presentation of the leading cultural project in the frame of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union – Europe Readr – the publishers listened to two young Slovenian EUPL prize winners, Anja Mugerli (2021) and Nataša Kramberger (2010) and then took part in an intensive B2B meeting.

From September 8-11 a group of publishers and producers from Germany and Austria visited Slovenia for a study trip organized by the Slovenian Book Agency. Representatives of C. H. Beck, Berlin Verlag, Suhrkamp, Literature House Munich, manuskripte magazine and others met several Slovenian publishers and authors as well as visited the famous Vilenica festival, which took place at the same time.

Participants of both events were excited about meeting live and learning about Slovenian literature, as well as enjoying the beauty of the future guest of honour country of the Frankfurt book fair.

Photos from the publishers' meeting in Berlin:

Photo 1: Dr. Jörg Wojahn, a representative oft he European Commission in Berlin, Saša Šavel Burkart, director oft he Slovenian Cultural Center in Berlin and Dr. Dimitrij Rupel, director of the Slovenian Book Agency

Photo 2: German and Slovenian publishers

Photo 3: Anja Mugerli and Nataša Kramberger in conversation with Kristine Listau (Verbrecher Verlag)

Photo 4: A talk with the authors

Photo 5: Matthias Göritz, the 'Slovenia – Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023' curator in conversation with Anja Kovač, the project coordinator.

Photo 6: Gabriela Babnik (EUPL winner 2013), Nataša Kramberger (EUPL winner 2010), Saša Šavel Burkart (director of the Slovenian Cultural Center Berlin), Anja Mugerli (EUPL winner 2021) and Anja Kovač (Slovenian Book Agency)

Copyright: Jože Baši

Photos from the study trip in Slovenia

Photo 1: A meeting with Slovenian publishers

Photo 2: A meeting with Slovenian authors Mojca Kumerdej, Miha Mazzini and Suzana Tratnik at the Bled lake

Photo 3: A visit at the memorial house of the Slovenian poet Srečko Kosovel (1904-1926) in Tomaj (Karst)

Photo 4: Participants of the study trip in the company of the vilenica-award winner Josef Winkler (AT), the president of the Slovenian Writers' Association, Dušan Merc and several translators from Slovenian into German language

Photo 5: The vilenica-award winning author Josef Winkler (AT) at the prize-giving ceremony in the Vilenica cave in Slovenian Karst

Copyright: Slovenian Book Agency