Spring Book Fairs: Meet us in Paris, Leipzig and Bologna
In Paris there will be two events with Slovenian authors, who have new French translations:
What it means to live and write in Slovenian language? – Friday, 15 March at 17.00, the European Stage – a talk with authors Agata Tomažič, Katarina Marinčič and Luka Novak* will be hosted by Mathias Rambaud from the French Institute in Slovenia.
The Unperceived Other: Foreigners in Foreign Countries, Writers as Citizens of Europe – Saturday, 16 March at 17.00 in Room Connexion – a talk with Brina Svit, Slovenian writer living in France, Velibor Čolić, who left Bosnia and Herzegovina during recent war as a fugitive and lives in France ever since, and Svetlana Slapšak, who switched her Belgrade home for one in Ljubljana and lived in numerous other countries in between. The host of the event will be Luka Novak.
With the support of the Slovenian Embassy in Paris.
*Katarina Marinčič: Trois (translated by Florence Gacoin Marks, published in Litterae Slovenicae, Slovenian Writers' Association), Agata Tomažič: Ce qu’on ne peut confier à son coiffeur (translated by Stéphane Baldeck, soon at Belleville éditions, Paris), Luka Novak: Le Metro – Inconscient urbain (translated by Andrée Lück-Gaye, published by Léo Scheer, Paris) and with the same publishing house Phenomenologie de la Mayonnaise.
After Paris we are heading to Leipzig book fair (21-24 March), where you can find us in hall 4, stand D503. There are no less than nine Slovenian authors coming to Leipzig to present seven new titles* in German language: Jana Bauer, Janez Bogataj, Tadej Golob, Mojca Kumerdej, Lila Prap, Marijan Pušavec, Zoran Smiljanić, Ana Schnabl and Anja Štefan.
Full list of events:
Thursday, 21 March
11.30-12.00, forum Die Unabhängigen, Hall 5, Stand H309
The Harvest of Chronos
Speakers: Mojca Kumerdej (author) and Erwin Köstler (translator)
Moderator: Florian Welling
12.30-13.00, Lesebude 1, Hall 2, Stand H410/G411
Crumbs from Mice Valley
Speakers: Anja Štefan (author) and Alenka Veler (editor)
For Kids 4+
12.30-13.00, Traduki stage, Hall 4, Stand D507
Countdown: Now Everything Depends on Us
Two young female voices and their view on here & now
Speakers: Frosina Parmakovska (Macedonia) and Ana Schnabl (Slovenia)
Moderator: Ismar Hačam
13.00-13.30, Lesebude 1, Hall 2, Stand H410/G411
Around the World with Lila Prap
Speakers: Lila Prap (author) and Alenka Veler (editor)
14.00-14.30, Traduki stage, Hall 4, Stand D507
Underground & Resistance
Comic books from Yugosphere
Speakers: Ivan Petrović (Austria), Tanja Skale (Slovenia) and Beate Wild (Germany)
Moderator: Axel Halling
16.00-16.30, Forum OstSüdOst, Hall 4, Stand E501
Slovenia has it all: Alps, Mediterraneum, Balkan
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Janez Bogataj (ethnologist) and Martin Reichert (journalist)
A talk and potica-cake tasting
17.00-18.00, Forum International und Übersetzerzentrum, Hall 4, Stand C505
When Children's Books Travel. The Guest of Honour Role in Bologna as a Door Opener for Translations
Speakers: Alenka Veler (editor, Slovenia), Vanessa Maus (agent, Italy), Anja Štefan (author, Slovenia)
Moderators: Renata Zamida (Slowenian Book Agency) and Angelika Salvisberg (ProHelvetia, Switzerland)
20.00-22.00, Kaiserbad, Karl-Heine-Straße 93, Leipzig
And We Silently Listen who We are: Novelties from Southeast Europe
Speakers: Saša Ilić (Serbia), Kapka Kassabova (Bulgaria), Mojca Kumerdej (Slovenia), Ardiana Shala Prishtina (Kosovo) and Slobodan Šnajder (Croatia)
Moderators: Jörg Plath and Annemarie Türk
21.00-22.30, Café Telegraph, Dittrichring 18–20, Leipzig
Wallstein Publishing House Evening
Speakers: Mojca Kumerdej (Slovenia), Emmanuel Maeß (Germany) and Steffen Mensching (Germany)
Moderator: Thedel v. Wallmoden
Friday, 22 March
9.00-10.00, Springmäuschen, Kregelstraße 6, 04317 Leipzig
Comb Yourself with a Hedgehog!
Children, attention! Little Scary Fairy can hardly wait to tell you all about her adventures.
With Jana Bauer
Moderator: Stefanie Ericke-Keidtel
17.00-17.30, Lesebude 2, Hall 2, Stand H600
Reckless and without Vertigo – Unforgettable Reading Experiences for Little and Big Ones
Speakers: Jana Bauer and Tadej Golob
Moderator: Dagmar Schruf
17.00-17.30, Forum OstSüdOst, Hall 4, Stand D401
The Lonely Journey of Alma M. Karlin
Great rediscovery – a travel journal from the 1920s, exciting like an adventure novel!
Speakers: Amalija Maček (Alma M. Karlin expert) and Britta Jürgs (AvivA publishing house)
Saturday, 23 March
11.00-12.00, Traduki stage, Hall 4, Stand D507
The Harvest of Chronos
On Heroism and Sanctimoniousness
Speakers: Ioana Baetica Morpurgo (Romania) and Mojca Kumerdej (Slovenia)
Moderator: Barbara Anderlič (Traduki)
14.45-15.15, TAZ oder, Hall 5
The Lonely Journey of Alma M. Karlin
Great rediscovery – a travel journal from the 1920s, exciting like an adventure novel!
Speakers: Jerneja Jezernik (Alme M. Karlin biographer) and Britta Jürgs (AvivA publishing house)
Moderator: Doris Akrap
16.30-17.00, forum Die Unabhängigen, Hall 5, Stand H309
The Lonely Journey of Alma M. Karlin
A reading and a talk
Speakers: Jerneja Jezernik (Alme M. Karlin biographer) and Britta Jürgs (AvivA publishing house)
19.30, reds | Friseur, Hainstrasse 10, 1. floor, Leipzig
The Lonely Journey of Alma M. Karlin
A reading and a talk
Speakers: Jerneja Jezernik (Alme M. Karlin biographer) and Britta Jürgs (AvivA publishing house)
20.00, UT Connewitz, Wolfgang-Heinze-Straße 12 a, Leipzig
The Balkan-Night
Speakers: Gabriela Adameşteanu (Rumania), Pavle Goranović (Montenegro), Gary Kaufmann (Liechtenstein), Lisandri Kola (Albania), Frosina Parmakovska (Macedonia), Ana Ristović (Serbia), Ana Schnabl (Slovenia), Faruk Šehić (Bosnia), Tijan Sila (Germany)
Moderators: Aylin Rieger and Hana Stojić (Traduki)
Band: Andrra
21.00, naTo, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 46, Leipzig
The Harvest of Chronos
Mojca Kumerdej intertwines facts and fiction into an astonishing portrait of the past.
Speakers: Mojca Kumerdej (author) and Erwin Köstler (translator)
Sunday, 24 March
12.30-13.00, Traduki stage, Hall 4, Stand D507
Two Slovenians in Mexico City and Valter in Sarajevo
Two comic books from Southeast Europe
Speakers: Leo Gürtler (Austria), Marijan Pušavec (Slovenia) and Zoran Smiljanić (Slovenia)
Moderator: Axel Halling
Saturday & Sunday (23 and 24 March)
Stripburger magazine at The Millionaires Club Festival (Conne Island, Koburger Str. 3, Leipzig)
Programme partners: Traduki, Slovenian Cultural Center Berlin, Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung, Wallstein Verlag, Schruf & Stipetic, AvivA Verlag, bahoe books, Mladinska knjiga, Beletrina, Goga, Forum Ljubljana.
*Mojca Kumerdej: Chronos erntet (translated by Erwin Köstler, published by Wallstein, Göttingen), Jana Bauer: Die kleine Gruselfee (translated by Ann Catrin Bolton, published by S. Fischer v Berlinu), Janez Bogataj: Slovenija – Kulturna dediščina / Slowenien – das Kulturerbe (translated by Alexandra Natalie Zaleznik, published by Hart publishing house with the support of the Slovenian Cultural Center in Berlin), Tadej Golob: Der Goldene Zahn (translated by Ann Catrin Bolton, published by Schruf & Stipetic, Berlin), Lila Prap: Drachen?! (translated by Sebastian Walcher, published by Mladinska knjiga), Marijan Pušavec and Zoran Smiljanić: Die Mexikaner (translated by Erwin Köstler, published by Bahoe books, Vienna), Alma M. Karlin: Einsame Weltreise (published by AvivA, foreword by Jerneja Jezernik)
From 1-4 April you can find us at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, hall 29, stand C34-D33 – with a bigger stand (64m2!) and in company of the Mladinska knjiga publishing house (neighbouring stand) as well as Miš, Pivec, Sanje and Sodobnost publishing houses as our co-exhibitors. Morfem publishing house will also be present.
This year we are happy to announce that Slovenian Illustrator Ana Zavadlav has been one of 76 illustrators selected for the annual Illustrators Exhibition. The jurors had to examine the artworks sent by 2901 illustrators coming from 62 countries. Last year this honour was bestowed upon another Slovenian illustrator, Andreja Peklar.
You can meet Ana Zavadlav on Tuesday, 2 April at 12.30 at the Illustrators’ Survival Corner (hall 29), where she will present her career path in a talk with a renown Slovenian storyteller Špela Frlic titled The Elegance of a Cricket – an Illustrator’s Evolution.
About Ana Zavadlav
Zavadlav graduated in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana in 1997 and later specialized in graphics at the same academy. In 1999 she attended an advanced study course in Graphics at the Department of Art at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. In 2002 Zavadlav was given the opportunity to work at the Cite d'Art in Paris, following a competition by the ZDSLU (Union of Slovenian Fine Arts Associations). She has been a member of the ZDSLU since 2000. She has won several awards. Since 2003 she has devoted her time to illustrating books for children and young adults. She has illustrated almost 40 Slovenian books, some of which have been translated into several other languages.