Support for foreign publishers – three public calls to be issued later this year
Three calls for foreign publishers were scheduled to open this spring, but due to a new national law on temporary measures during the COVID-19 epidemic, introduced on 27th March 2020, the calls are postponed to a later time this year.
The postponed calls are::
- Call for Proposals for the translation and publication of books by Slovenian authors in the German language for the year 2020;
- Call for proposals for translations into foreign languages for the year 2020,
- Call for support of printing costs – NEW!
All applicants for all tenders and calls have to be legal entities (publisher) based outside Slovenia.
For all additional information please contact:
Translations into foreign languages and subsidy for printing costs: Katja Stergar, e-mail:
Publications of Slovenian literature in German language: Anja Kovač, e-mail: anja.kovac(at)