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Application for preparing applications for current calls for tenders


Publish date: 03.03.2023
Expiration date: 17.04.2023
Status: Closed

The Slovenian Book Agency, Metelkova 2b, 1000 Ljubljana, on the basis of the Book Agency Act of the Republic of Slovenia (UL RS, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 112/2007, 40/2012 and 63/2013), the Act for the Public Interest in Culture of the Republic of Slovenia (UL RS, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 77/07-UPB, 56/08, 4/10, 20/11, 111/13 and 68/16), the Rulebook on the procedural execution of public tenders and public calls in culture of the Republic of Slovenia (UL RS, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 107/15 ) and the Rulebook on expert commissions of the Slovenian Book Agency (UL RS, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 73/16) herewith publishes the

Call for Proposals for the translation and publication of books by Slovenian authors in the German language for the year 2023 (referred to as JR4–INJ–2023)[1]

Name and Adress of the Call orderer

Slovenian Book Agency/Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije (JAK), Metelkova 2b, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The main objectives of the Call

The objective of the Call is the selection of applicants for the co-financing of cultural projects in two areas:

  1. support for first publications of original Slovenian works in German language;
  2. support for reprints of original Slovenian works in German language.

The Slovenian Book Agency (JAK) will support the proposed projects of publications in accordance with the following long-term priorities and objectives:

  • support for the first publications of original Slovenian works in the German language;
  • support for reprints of original Slovenian works in German language;
  • support for translators from Slovenian into German;
  • support the promotion and enforcement of Slovenian authors and their works abroad, also in the view of the project “Slovenia, Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023”;
  • encourage the translation and promotion of Slovenian literature in the long term.

Call areas and eligibility criteria

The call refers to two areas:

  1. the field of the first publications of original Slovenian works in German language (short: first publications); An individual applicant can apply with a maximum of one (1) book publication per call.
  2. reprints of original Slovenian works in German language (short: reprints); An individual applicant can apply with a maximum of two (2) book publications per call.

The co-financing time frame

In the framework of this call the selected applicants will be awarded a co-financing budget sum for all paper book publications which will be published by 31 September 2024.

5. Financial value of the Call JR4–INJ–2023, the execution of the co-financing procedures, the eligible time-frame of the co-financed budget use and possible changes or cancellations of the co-financing agreement

The estimated value of the public tender JR4-INJ-2023 is 68.000,00 EUR, of which:

  1. support for first publications: foreseeably 59.000 €;
  2. support for reprints: foreseeably 9.000 €.

Funds granted within the framework of this call should be used in 2023 or within the payment deadlines that will be determined by the current law on budget implementation of the Republic of Slovenia and the grant agreement.

Deadline for submissions

The public call for applications begins on 3 March 2023 and ends on 17 April 2023.

Payment of the application tariff with the application to the public call for proposals

In accordance with the provisions of the Tariff on the implementation of the services of the Public Book Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (UL RS - Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 04/13 and 50/14) the applicant must enclose with the application proof of payment of the 25 EUR tariff. If the certificate is not attached, the applicant will be asked to comply. If, after the expiry of the deadline for the compliance the Book Agency will still not receive the relevant certificate, the application will be rejected as incomplete.

The Tariff in the amount of 25,00€ is to be paid to the following bank account:

Bank: Uprava Republike Slovenije za javna plačila

IBAN: SI56 0110 0600 0027 474


With the payment reference: SI 00 “date of payment” (f. e.: 08042023)

Payment purpose: tariff JR4-INJ-2023

Documentation of the public call

The documentation of the public call for proposals includes:

  1. Support for first publications;
  2. Support for reprints.

The documentation of the the public call for proposals JR4-INJ-2023 is available on the Book Agency’s website at and

Applicants must hand in the complete documentation of the public call for proposals, which includes the following mandatory enclosures:

  1. Support for first publications:
  • fulfilled application form (dated, stamped and signed);
  • proof of payment of  the relevant tarif in accordance with the provisions of the Tariff on the implementation of the services of the Public Book Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS - Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 04/13 and 50/14);
  • a contract between the translator and a legal entity based in Austria, Germany or Switzerland which will publish the relevant work in the German language, with a proposed date of publication or implementation no later than 31 September 2024;
  • a copyright agreement or a letter of intent. Exception: if at the time of the open call the copyright agreement is not signed yet due to a complicated procedure (several heirs or authors) then an exception is allowed and a written statement or other documentary proof that the copyright holder agrees to the work being translated into German in accordance with this call will be accepted. A signed copyright agreement needs to be submitted at the latest together with the payment request for the subsidy.
  1. Support for reprints:
  • fulfilled application form (dated, stamped and signed);
  • proof of payment of  the relevant tarif in accordance with the provisions of the Tariff on the implementation of the services of the Public Book Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (Uradni list RS - Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 04/13 and 50/14);
  • a valid translation contract, which proves the applicant owns translation rights, or a proof that the applicant has translator’s permission to use the translation, if the copyright hasn’t expired yet;
  • a copyright agreement or a letter of intent. Exception: if at the time of the open call the copyright agreement is not signed yet due to a complicated procedure (several heirs or authors) then an exception is allowed and a written statement or other documentary proof that the copyright holder agrees to the work being translated into German in accordance with this call will be accepted. A signed copyright agreement needs to be submitted at the latest together with the payment request for the subsidy.
  • A document(s) proving that the work has been published in German translation before, but it has ben sold-out or is not available anymore due to copyright expiration. If the work has been published before the year 2006, such relevant documents are not necessary.

Contact persons for all additional information

All information can be acquired at, and also via telephone or e-mail every working day between 10. in 12. with the following contact person:

  • Mateja Humar Jelnikar, e-mail: mateja.humar-jelnikar(at), tel.: 00386 1 320 28 31.

[1] The legally binding text of the public call is only the original Slovenian text.


Payment claim JR4–INJ–2023


Results JR4–INJ–2023

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